9 February 2021

Here you can review and download the current constitution for the club

Here is the up to date competition calendar for the state https://footballwest.com.au/2021-season-calendar/

When you go to register your child for this season don’t forget the recent doubling of the Kidsport Voucher for families with many children https://www.mediastatements.wa.gov.au/Pages/McGowan/2021/01/Double-the-fun-with-KidSport-in-2021.aspx?fbclid=IwAR29YuOpQW38ZoEwIxUNmfrU9Hjf6TH5EBlLAVOWvZUndEWazZD55UM2ws4 If you have any questions for us on how to claim you voucher against club fees contact the club Registrar below. When on the Play Football registration site If you

For all Managers, Coaches and Member the Competition rules for the season can be found here:

Perth Hills United have our own Scheme ID and would encourage all Members to use it when you return your eligible containers C103608810 You can also use our scheme QR code For more information go to https://www.containersforchange.com.au

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