PHUFC Web Admin

As per the Premier’s announcement Thursday evening, 29 April 2021, community sport can resume with spectators as of 12.01am Saturday 1 May, with certain restrictions. These restrictions include: A limit of 500 attendees for events, including community sport events, without a COVID safety plan. Face masks are mandatory in public indoor spaces, as well as […]

Training can proceed in the interim. However this may change tomorrow so please keep an eye out for any texts from the club. ( The state government & Football West have both issued the following restrictions from Midnight tonight A post-lockdown transition will be in place until 12.01am, Saturday 1 May. Continue wearing a mask

12th Feb              Team Nominations 12th Feb                Registrations for Amateurs and Masters open 19th Feb                   Pitch marking 20th Feb                 Junior Registrations open – Junior (2020 Players) 27th Feb                Junior Registrations open – All other 27th Feb               Adverts  Echo advert, Facebook, Website and Community pages 3rd March             Coach and Team Manager allocation 6th March             Open Day 8th

Here the training manual for the Coaches & Team Managers Here is the complete Manual for System Administration (Coaches & Team Mgrs do not need to read this) To get user access to the system contact the Club Secretary

As per the government statement , if you are attending an PHUFC event mask are not necessary from 12:01 Sunday 14th Feb. The club will continue to require that all members sign the available contact register or Safe WA club QR codes for Harry Riseborough, Glen Forrest and Recreation Centre gatherings. More info at:

@Bendigo Bank has generously provide a club Raffle for this season – with a $20000 1st prize. Look out for tickets at training & events and contact us here if you would like to buy tickets. Thanks to Benchmark Auto Electrical for running the raffle for us. Get tickets at

Here you can review and download the current constitution for the club

Here is the up to date competition calendar for the state

When you go to register your child for this season don’t forget the recent doubling of the Kidsport Voucher for families with many children If you have any questions for us on how to claim you voucher against club fees contact the club Registrar below. When on the Play Football registration site If you

For all Managers, Coaches and Member the Competition rules for the season can be found here:

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