Coaching Season Calendar – 2021

12th Feb              Team Nominations

12th Feb                Registrations for Amateurs and Masters open

19th Feb                   Pitch marking

20th Feb                 Junior Registrations open – Junior (2020 Players)

27th Feb                Junior Registrations open – All other

27th Feb               Adverts  Echo advert, Facebook, Website and Community pages

3rd March             Coach and Team Manager allocation

6th March             Open Day

8th March             Training Ground allocation (Glen Forrest is open but we need to wait to hear about HR access)

13th March          Advert – including Echo advert, Facebook, Website and Community pages

16th March          Coach and Team Manage meeting induction – Including coaching packs & kit update

1st April                 Registrations closed

10th April              Summer Comp finishes

11th April              Master & Amateur Season begins

18th April                  Junior & Miniroos season begins

Football West calendar –

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