Joining Our Club
How do I Join?
Registering yourself, or your child, as a player is essential to be a member our club. As a registered player your fees pay for the day to day running of the club and ensure you are supported as a player under the umbrella of Football West.
Please don’t hesitate to contact our registrars if you have any questions about registrations.
The process
Registrations open in February of each season.
To register for a specific team you can go to our Team page to select the specific team/age group you need.
Football West have invested in a easy to use, 100% online registration website. You will be taken to a specific registration product for the team.
Click the button below to begin the registration process.
Fees for 2024
By Age Group
Miniroos Home League U5 – U11 | $160 |
Miniroos Home & Away U9 – U12 | $230 |
Juniors U13 – U18 | $350 |
Seniors & Masters | $390 |
How to pay
Payment of your fees should now be made online when registering on Play Football.
If your child qualifies for Kidsport subsidy, you can pay the remainder of your fee directly to the club after you submit an approved Kidsport code to the club Registrar.
Pre-arranged payments should be made directly to Perth Hills United at:
BSB: 633-000
Account number: 133005058
Account name: Perth Hills United FC Inc.
(Please include the Players Name and FFA Number)
Kit required
The club will provide shirts on registration, however the following kit should be provided by the player.
Home & Away:
- Green Socks
- Black Shorts
- Football Boots
- Shin Pads
Home League (Miniroos)
- Football Boots (recommended)
- Shin Pads
- Shirt will be provided by PHUFC (free of charge), once the registration process is complete & payment is received.
Shorts, Socks and Shin Pads can be purchased at the club:
- Shorts are $27.00
- Socks are $15.00
- Shin Pads vary between $15-35.00
Shorts, socks & shin pads can be ordered at time of registration or through your Team Coach or Team Manager.
Promoting participation
KidSport enables eligible WA children aged 5 to18 years to participate in community sport and recreation by offering them financial assistance of up to $150 per calendar year towards club fees.
When you have successfully applied for a Kidsport voucher you will receive a voucher number , supply this number to the Junior Registrar and the club will provide you with a discount coupon to redeem when you pay your membership fee.
Calling all Volunteers...
The club is always looking for volunteers for the new season.
- Coaches
- Team Managers
- Committee Members
- Referees
- Grounds Marshalls
- Canteen Helpers
- Set up and take down
If you are available on game days (Saturday & Sundays) contact the Club below
Have a Registration question?
Club Registrar
Our club registrar are available during the registration period to answer any queries about the registration process, payment, age groups and team allocations.